In 2019, we change...
The irregular rhythm with which I post on this blog. Can I try to sew and publish one outfit a month?
The fabric haul: In 2019, I want to stop buying every fabric I find cute and pretty in fabric shops. Instead, I want to select beautiful and sustainable fabrics: Fabrics that will resist the test of time, and will be ready to follow me in all my adventures. And yes, in 2019, I finally take care of emptying my fabric stock, and sew things I've held for far too long!
My Etsy shop. Sadly, for complicated and boring admin reasons, my Etsy shop stayed in the US... But 2019 is the year where I bring it back in Europe!
In 2019, we don't change…
My style. I feel like I am more and more comfortable in who I am and what I wear. The balance between comfortable and retro is sometimes hard to find, but I am determined to make it happen!
The happiness my sewing machine gives me, when I spend a rainy afternoon with it, a good podcast, a hot tea, and a piece of chocolate (only one? I never said how big a piece!)
And the first 2019 make?
To start the year on a win, I've sewn one of my loved and trusted pattern: The Airelle blouse, from Deer and Doe.
It's the fifth one I sew, so needless to say that the pattern doesn't hold any secret for me anymore. But you know what? It's still as lovely to sew!

For this version, I chose an adorable red crepe fabric. I added a golden pipping and a black contrasting collar.
A very simple and comfortable top, incredibly versatile that I can wear with everything. Actually, not a week goes by without me wearing it at least once!